I was raised in poverty, both socioeconomically and emotionally. As a little girl, days without food were common and so was domestic violence. It was a life where privilege was nowhere to be found, just like food on my plate. As some would say, “un desmadre.” It’s a far, far life from the one I’m fortunate to live today.
I’m often reminded of this quote my hubby shared with me:
From Poverty to a Better Me /
De La Pobreza a Una Mejor Yo
“It’s just a thorny way of life. This is everyone’s story and everyone’s duty: to reach adulthood and then do the hard work of unpacking your childhood, your family, the weapons you picked up to protect your little body.”
- Jedidiah Jenkins
I barely made it to adulthood and I arrived with many weapons. Yet today I find myself here, with a life that I couldn’t have imagined when I was growing up. Through a combination of luck and determination, I have been able to slowly and consistently unpack the pain and fear that had a hold of me, and put down the weight of all those weapons. All on a path towards a better and happier me. All because of the gift of wellness I was given.
20 years ago, the world of wellness (fitness, nutrition, and self-care) found me. Or more like we found each other. It showed me I could accomplish more than I thought was possible. It changed the trajectory of my life and allowed me to build a better me. Surrounded by a community of people that wanted to see me win.
20 years ago, the world of wellness (fitness, nutrition, and self-care) found me. Or more like we found each other. It showed me I could accomplish more than I thought was possible. It changed the trajectory of my life and allowed me to build a better me. Surrounded by a community of people that wanted to see me win.
Today I dedicate myself to finding others like me, those that didn’t have the opportunity, the blessing, to experience a world of physical and emotional wellness. I work to hopefully show them that a better life is possible. A life where their body feels strong, where their mind is at peace, and their heart is filled with joy.
It’s all possible if you give yourself the chance. I’m living proof.
Thank you for following along and I look forward to doing my part to help in your journey.
Con amor y vamos con todo,
It’s all possible if you give yourself the chance. I’m living proof.
Thank you for following along and I look forward to doing my part to help in your journey.
Con amor y vamos con todo,
8 year old me, most likely with a hungry tummy but still smiling :)
45 year old me with a different hunger and still smiling :)